Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catching Up

Well, I'm starting to feel like I can almost catch up. We've had a busy month with ballgames, camps and life in general. Tanner & Dad had a great time in Arizona and I'll hopefully post some pics soon. It was a real blessing for both of them I think. As soon as he got back we started in full swing (no pun intended) with baseball and softball. Both Tanner & Jade's teams have done really well. Jade starts tournaments in Sutherland this week and Tanner's team will spend the week making up missed games with 3 away and 1 home. He'll also go to Chute Camp this week, which is a basketball camp that should be really cool. Drew started out playing baseball and in a basketball league but ended suddenly with an ankle sprain that looked kind of like a goose egg. Not real pretty. Evan just spent the weekend with us and we had a great time at the pool and picnicking at the park. He had to call 911 though because he forgot his blankie. He asked the "peacemans" to go to his house and bring it here. Dustin, Jamie and Konnor came down last night and watched the ballgames with us. Jamie finally has a baby bump and is starting to get a little uncomfortable. Konnor has fully entered the two year old stage. To make it worse he can talk so clearly that you understand EVERY word he says, not always good. :) Dustin is settling in at Paxton and likes his job at Ogallala. I think he likes being out of the big city. Well, I'm off to pick up Jade from practice. Just two more weeks and we'll be done with baseball! I'll probably catch up some more then....maybe :)

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