Friday, March 27, 2009


Okay, so I have definitely slacked in the blogger world. I knew I never should have opened a facebook account! Shoot! Anyhoo. Our camera is on the fritz again so no new pics yet. Tanner did a good job in wrestling for his very first year! He won two and was really doing great at the end. Now we are in track season. Drew is doing long, high and triple jump I think and Tanner is doing pole vault and long distance. We have had lots of 4-H stuff to keep us busy and we have the Girl Scout China Brunch tomorrow. When this weekend is over I will be glad! Dad is doing great, he made it to several of Tanner's wrestling matches. Jade & Tanner are fasting and it cracks me up what they gave up. Jade gave up TV which is like sacred to her, but I'm really glad she did it and she has done a great job. She wanted to give up the first day but we had a great life lesson on temptations and the reason for fasting. She is now doing it with a "happy heart". She told me she has to walk by the TV and say No, No, No TV! Tanner helps her out by shutting off whenever she walks by. Big help, thanks, I'm sure it's good for the TV. He gave up chocolate and Captn Crunch. He's a bit grouchy at breakfast! :)

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