Saturday, October 4, 2008


Dad will be having his other hip replaced on November 5th in North Platte. They will keep him there for a couple of days and then transfer him to Imperial where he will be on skilled care. Skilled care is essentially nursing care and the doctor checks in on you every 3 days or so. This way he will be able to get his dressing changes and Physical Therapy right there at the hospital. When he is released from skilled care, he will come and stay with us until he is fully recuperated and able to drive. We are looking forward to having him closer for awhile.


DuPeire Family said...

WOW Jenny! We will be praying! I am glad that he will be closer to you! I hope all is well with you guys!

The Buffington Family said...

Tell him HI for us and we're keeping him in our prayers! Love ya all.